
Sun Protection In Your Collagen Drink. Don't Miss This!

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If you are concerned with anti-aging and sun damage, this Antioxidant Longevity Superstar is a game changer!  Astaxanthin lives up to its name being far more powerful than known daily antioxidants:

  • 6000x more powerful than Vitamin C
  • 800x stronger than Vitamin E
  • 500x stronger than green tea

According to Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Research Laboratories at Fujifilm, “Astaxanthin is recognized as one of the world's strongest antioxidants”.

The science on Astaxanthin reveals new dual-action discoveries for both skin and active lifestyles, including:

  • Reduced inflammation,
  • Enhanced stamina
  • Reduction of wrinkles
  • Healthier, strong muscle

Clinical studies also strongly suggest that high levels of antioxidants offer anti-inflammatory protection, aid in prevention and treatment of hyperpigmentation, helps stimulate skin elasticity, and appears to reduce the signs of aging.

Twenty-three healthy Japanese participants were recruited to a 10-week double-blind placebo-controlled study. They were assigned to the Astaxanthin group supplemented with a capsule containing 4 mg of astaxanthin, or the placebo group. To assess the protective role of astaxanthin for UV-induced skin deterioration, they determined the minimal erythema dose (MED) and analyzed UV-induced changes of moisture and transepidermal water loss (TEWL) at baseline and after 9 weeks of supplementation.

The Astaxanthin group showed increased MED compared with placebo. In addition, the astaxanthin group had a reduced loss of skin moisture in the irradiated area compared with placebo. Subjective skin conditions for “improvement of rough skin” and “texture” in non-irradiated areas were significantly improved by astaxanthin. Antidotally, Astaxanthin seems protective against UV-induced skin deterioration and helps maintain healthy skin.

The study demonstrates that consuming a daily supplement with Astaxanthin sourced from Haematococcus Pluvialis micro algae enhances the UV protection from the sun, and reduced cellular DNA damage.

Responding to consumer demand to rejuvenate and revitalize skin, Active Beauty® created b.skintight by optimizing a unique and powerful combination of naturally sourced ingredients, including Microscopic Marine Algae-sourced Astaxanthin (Super Antioxidant Rich).

A solid sun protection routine from the inside out combined with a topical skincare routine will aid with longevity, prolong healthy radiant skin, and maintain youthfulness for years beyond our expectations.

For more Active Beauty Science, Subscribe

Ito, N.; Seki, S.; Ueda, F. The Protective Role of Astaxanthin for UV-Induced Skin Deterioration in Healthy People—A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Nutrients 2018, 10, 817.

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